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  • Voivodeship in Poland

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Low loader transport

Fructus Transport

Offer displayed: 28639
ul. Maszewska 15
72-100 Goleniów
zachodniopomorskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
English German Russian

Our fleet includes over a dozen low-loader units
of various types. With us, you can quickly and
safely transport any truck anywhere in the
European Union - without exceptions. We have
the necessary permits for the transport of
oversized cargo. Our low-loader units have a
payload up to 38 tons, they can carry loads of
various widths and heights - we are not
limited by any dimensions.


tractors, tractors, loaders, excavators, trucks, buses tractors, tractor units, cars, machinery, agricultural, construction, constructions, bulk

Preferred directions of transport France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy
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