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For full phrase: "with", were found 5 search results; 1-5 results:
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For: "with" 5 search results were found.
Over-dimensioned load transport, heavy transport
OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
ul. Łąkowa 3, Kruszyn
86-014 Sicienko
kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland

We are a Polish family company with over 25 years
of experience in oversize transport throughout
Europe providing a full and comprehensive service.
Our role begins when the use of standard transport
is not possible. We have our own diversified fleet
which ensures a perfect selection of vehicle to
the size, volume and tonnage of each load.
We can transport anything!

We are in industries:

international, oversize, specialized, dimensions, wind power stations, carriage, relocation, machines, construction, agricultural, constructions, pilotage, permits

Preferred directions of transport Russia, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy
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Silesia Escort Service

Offer displayed: 64119
ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 2/180
40-881 Katowice
śląskie, Poland

Our company specializes in obtaining permits and
organizing transport piloting in most European
countries. Thanks to our professionalism and
24 hour availability we are able to meet all your
expectations. Additionally, we specialize in
organizing piloting within the territory of Poland
Safety that we ensure and our experience give
you psychological comfort.


piloting of oversized cargo, heavy, over-dimensional, large-size, low-clearance, normative and specialist transport, transport permits

Preferred directions of transport France, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, Estonia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy
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Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.

Offer displayed: 50275
Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
  • Van Der VLIST Polen Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wołczyńska 37
60-003 Poznań
wielkopolskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German Russian

We offer over-dimensional transport. We have a
fleet of more than 200 tractors and more than 200
trailers, ranging from 3-axis semi-trailers and
low-loaders to multi-axial modular trailers. We
offer effective and efficient transport solutions.
As part of our services, we provide permits and
pilotages within the whole Europe which, in
connection with the careful planning of the route,
ensures an easy transport of your cargoes.

We are in industries:

non-normative, standard size, over-dimensional transport, non-normative, over-dimensional

Preferred directions of transport Europe
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Offer displayed: 59537
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
  • ZTE PL
ul. Bytomska 39
41-103 Siemianowice Śląskie
śląskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German Russian

We specialize in transport of heavy loads,
over-dimensional and special. We ensure
comprehensive transport services within the
whole European Union, Scandinavia and Ukraine.
We organize special permits, pilotages in the
country, and abroad. Thanks to many years of
experience we are able to complete even the
most complicated transports. We transport:
construction machinery, long elements,
containers, steel constructions, bays, bridges.


over-dimensional transport, specialist, heavy, above-average, transport of loads with large dimensions, construction machinery, containers, gantry cranes, large-dimensional transport, pilotage

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JKG Transport-Spedition

Offer displayed: 53624
JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
  • JKG Transport-Spedition
Janowo 2A
86-070 Dąbrowa Chełmińska
kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German Russian Czech

International oversize transport in the EU. We
have 50 trucks with a total capacity of up to 300
tonnes and a length of 45m. We organise pilot
escort service as well as fast and efficient
execution of orders.


heavy transport, specialised transport, oversize transport, handling, permits, forwarding

Preferred directions of transport European Union, WNP, Benelux, Scandinavia, Near East, Germany
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