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  • Voivodeship in Poland

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For full phrase: "transport", were found 6 search results; 1-6 results:
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For: "transport" 6 search results were found.
International transport agents

AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.

Offer displayed: 82505
AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
  • AFT Transport & Spedition Sp. z o.o.
ul. Rysia 14
80-175 Gdańsk
pomorskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German

International general cargo transport within the
EU. We have permanent transport routes between
Poland and Germany. We specialise in a wide
range of services, such as road transport,
logistics forwarding, so we offer comprehensive
solutions for our customers. We provide service
as well as a comprehensive handling, which is
characterised by reliability and flexibility. We
set ourselves apart from the competition by
setting new market standards.


forwarding, logistics, international, transport, carrier, refrigerated, vans 3.5t dmc, tarpaulin, general cargo, loading, unloading, export

Preferred directions of transport Europe, Balkans, Benelux, Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France
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Arrow TransCargoSped

Offer displayed: 91215
Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
  • Arrow TransCargoSped
ul. Andersa 5
15-124 Białystok
podlaskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English Russian French

International transport, forwarding and domestic
transport. We specialize in general cargo and full
truckload services. We select the optimal means
of transport. We transport cargo depending on the
needs and demand: closed tarpaulin, isothermal,
refrigerated. Our cars are delivered on time, the
transport is carried out efficiently, your cargo
will reach the recipient safely and on time. We
handle export and import from Europe and the
Middle East.


international forwarding, transport, loading, partloading, unloading, general cargo, isotherms, mega, tarpaulin, export, cargo

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LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.

Offer displayed: 93384
LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
  • LUCKY TRUCK Sp. z o.o.
Al. Jana Pawła II 96
05-250 Słupno
mazowieckie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German

International transport within Europe and outside
the EU. We organise expedite transport of single
pallets, partloads as well as full truck loads.
Our offer includes the transport of waste, bulk
materials, refrigerated transport and ADR. We
provide our transport services with our own
appropriate fleet of vehicles and also act as an
international freight forwarder. We will deliver
your parcels quickly!


international transport, expedite transport, machinery transport, international freight forwarding, transport in europe, transport services, international transport, waste transport, airport transfer

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OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
ul. Łąkowa 3, Kruszyn
86-014 Sicienko
kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland

National and international transport in a wide
range. Modern own transport fleet, available staff
will provide expert and professional transport
service. We guarantee our customers comprehensive
logistics solutions with the highest quality
standards. Our vehicles are equipped with GPS
systems allowing constant contact and control
over your cargo. We have liability insurance.


logistics, forwarding, loading, unloading, storage, permits, adr, tarpaulin, express, transport, road, freight, mega, warehouse, cargo

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Offer displayed: 76040
ul. Poleczki 12
02-822 Warszawa
mazowieckie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English French German Russian Ukrainian

We provide fast and safe transport services
throughout Europe. We specialise in the transport
of standard, oversized and specialist cargo and
goods, such as hazardous materials (ADR),
agricultural and construction machinery or sea
containers. We offer our customers transport
as well as logistics solutions tailored to their
individual needs. We guarantee on-time delivery!


international transport, groupage transport, express, full truck loads, transport of building materials, insulation, ventilation, transport of machinery, transport of containers, transport of electronics, adr, transport of food, logistics, customs clearance

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Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.

Offer displayed: 12073
Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
  • Ventus Logistic Group Sp. z o.o.
ul. Poleczki 12
02-822 Warszawa
mazowieckie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German Russian

Your trusted partner in the world of logistics,
freight forwarding transport and supply chain
across Europe. We take an individual approach
to each client in order to develop optimal and
effective solutions.


international transport, transport of furniture, transport of building materials, insulation, ventilation, packaging, cans, agricultural machinery, forwarding, logistics, transport of electronics, adr, chemicals

Preferred directions of transport Europe, Benelux, Balkans, Scandinavia, France, Spain, Portugal
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If you have not found the desired freight, an available truck or a suitable transport and forwarding company, or the search results are not satisfactory for you, do not hesitate to write to us to tell what you are looking for. We will send your inquiry directly to transport companies.
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