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  • Voivodeship in Poland

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For full phrase: "gabaryt", were found 1 search results; 1-1 results:
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For: "gabaryt" 1 search results were found.
Over-dimensioned load transport, heavy transport
OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
  • OL-TRANS - Transport ponadgabarytowy - Usługi dźwigowe
ul. Łąkowa 3, Kruszyn
86-014 Sicienko
kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland

We are a Polish family company with over 25 years
of experience in oversize transport throughout
Europe providing a full and comprehensive service.
Our role begins when the use of standard transport
is not possible. We have our own diversified fleet
which ensures a perfect selection of vehicle to
the size, volume and tonnage of each load.
We can transport anything!

We are in industries:

international, oversize, specialized, dimensions, wind power stations, carriage, relocation, machines, construction, agricultural, constructions, pilotage, permits

Preferred directions of transport Russia, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy
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